Perhaps when I was younger, the things we owned were much less mass-produced. Perhaps since things were more expensive, and could see the people who made them, and the efforts they gave, we had a greater appreciation of our cups, plates, tableware, clothing and other crafts.
There are also these special possessions we have that never fail to bring joy. The kimono I am wearing in this picture is one of them. My mother purchased it for my wedding, and since then, I have worn it on many special occasions, with each occasion adding to the happy memories I have associated with this kimono.
I hope that I can help fill your home and life with such special items which last, and grow in intangible value as they grow with you.
With gratitude,
Satoko Yamada
Spent years abroad in Spain and the United States, travelling through the National Parks during my vacations.
Have been involved with international exchange programs for many years.
Former Aichi International Exchange Association Counselor
Former part-time lecturer at Aichi Prefectural High School
Former Aichi Prefectural Police Headquarters / Nagoya District Public Prosecutor's Office Private Interpreter
Former Public Interest Incorporated Foundation AFS Japan Association Volunteer (Owari Branch Manager, Japan Association Public Relations Committee)
Former Director of Kitanagoya International Association
First year of Reiwa-Kitanagoya City Board of Education
Artisans Represented
Read their profiles here (link in Japanese).
Tobe Ware
Hachizui Kiln, Shirakata Yasuhiko
Endo Kiln, Hiroto Endo, Ai
Goshoen Kiln, Yoshifumi Ninomiya
Kutani Ware
Bitoen Kiln, 4th Generation, Eisei Teramae
Nagoya Yuzen, Haruhisa Horibe III
Eiji Uemura III